The Importance of Sleep

News flash: sleep is your secret weapon. If you want to feel better, look better, have a better mood, and improve your immune system, all you need to do is prioritize your sleep.

To dig in, check out the book "Why We Sleep: Unlocking The Power of Sleep and Dreams" by neuroscientist Matthew Walker. Some research even shows that the effects of aerobic exercise on sleep appear to be similar to those of sleeping pills. 

Here's a list of some takeaways from the book for you.


Things you may not have realized about sleep...

  • Sleep restores the capacity for learning, making room for new memories

  • Too little sleep will swell your appetite and often people will overeat

  • Naps for 45-mins to 1-hour mid-day is healthy and can be the key to longevity

  • Sleep can fight against infection and sickness by deploying all manner of weaponry within your immune arsenal

The good news? Exercise can help solidify good sleep. And I coach clients using the Functional Patterns method which involves corrective exercises that can encourage better sleep. This method helps my clients to get out of pain, move freely, increase their fitness level, and improve their whole-body wellness.


There you have it... exercise=better sleep. Reach out if you have any additional questions. See you soon.



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